Help Noki, also known as the Sky Rider, to complete his journey to AirCitadel in a dark and dangerous post apocalyptic world. Jump from platform to platform, create platforms when needed and collect the precious crystals while avoiding the bots shooting at him for taking the powerful crystals! These crystals are in fact a mineral that keeps the city running. Evil people get this precious mineral by exploiting the poor who pay with their hard work and crystals in order to survive! Noki is a wealthy young man living in the AirCitadel but he gets thrown out of the city for trying to protect the poor. Luckily, his personal drone saves him from a fall and now Noki has to begin his journey to AirCitadel to take revenge! Do you think that you have the skills to help SkyRider to complete his journey to AirCitadel? Play this incredible new free online unity3d platform-puzzler game here in to find out!
Enjoy playing SkyRider & The Journey To The AirCitadel!
Use W, A, S, D or arrow keys to move and jump. Press left mouse click to create a platform. Read more instructions in the game.